Friday, January 30, 2009

Fishie needs more cheese

For my week-long break, I had the honour of having some (ex)colleagues over to keep me company this afternoon. We had quite a heavy lunch, but didn't felt sleeply despite the warm weather. Perhaps, we occupied ourselves with important tasks at hand and were kept rather busy, that's why.....

Although it's already pretty late to prepare baked rice for dinner, I still decide to go ahead after they left. While the rice is cooking, I fetched SonS. This is the second time I tried baked rice (the first was maybe 3 months or so ago), and I would gladly declare this is much much MUCH better than the first. All of a sudden, I think I begin to have a better 'feel' in cooking already (ahem-ahem). To further improve, I need to be MORE generous with the cheese and have sufficient time to leave them to bake longer. I could afford to wait, but my sons couldn't, as dinner was 15 mins later than usual already.

SonS loves kitty cats. No prize for guessing who gets to eat from this fishy dish. When SonS is done, he is greeted with a 'meow' indicating a full and satisifed stomach (I hope!).

SonZ wants it all!
SonZ loves baked rice, with lots and lots of cheese (and curry too). He volunteered eagerly to finish everything, but sorry to disappoint, it has to serve 3.

Remember, next time more cheese, okie?

And for desserts, Strawberry puddings

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