Saturday, February 21, 2009

4 big and 9 small

4 big and 9 small? No, it has nothing to do with buying 4D!! It's the number of durian muffin I decided to bake a few nights ago, after 10:30pm, after picking some durians while fetching SonS from his night class. It's also my way to de-stressed... so much to catch up with my office work!!

How did I fare? Well, to tell you the truth, let's check[ed] the following:-
[X} Did not use the right type of flour
[X] Did not save half of the durian plup but add wet ingredients
[X] Did not mix the dry ingredients at all before adding the wet ingredients
[X] Did not just mix, but over-mixed when combine wet and dry ingredients
[X] Did not understand the functions and controls of the oven (anyone knows where's the manual?)

Anyway, I managed to bake these barely edible durian muffins and by the time I'm done, it's way past midnight. I brought some to torture my lunch mates the next day while we celebrated the one year older, but not wiser, Chu2. :p

Durian Muffins
Yes, there were nine.
A Feng Shui email appeared in my mailbox today. His answer to a popular question posed by the media was how to survive an expected to be very tough Year of the Ox is "Be like the OX. Work hard, be persistent and make down to earth decisions!"
My decision?
"I will attempt durian muffin again!!"

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