Saturday, February 14, 2009

What a disaster!

I am curious if anyone store their pans, trays, takeout containers and other barang barang inside their oven when it is not in use? I am equally curious to find out if anyone forgets and went ahead to preheat the oven before removing the stuff? I am extremely curious to know if anyone had the opporunity to see and smell melted plastic in a hot oven? Hmmm, and how does one get rid of those goo??!!

Well, I have my reasons to be curious - I happened to be one of those 'anyone' who did just that! Hopefully, not the only one (otherwise, could I register myself with any organization, being the first?), but the last!!

I was happily struggling with my marbled cream cheese brownie when I switched on the oven before removing my stored-away stuff in the oven. By the time I discovered, it already at the preset temperature of 180. I quickly removed the top, followed by the bottom tray. One of the takeout container fell, landed at the base of the oven, and instantly melted. OMG! OMG!

At first, I tried to remove the sticky goo, but stopped after a while as the oven is too hot and reckon it is not the right way. After a while, some parts turned whitish, and hardened, and I managed to peel and scrape them off. I decided to quicken the cooling process by rubbing 2 ice cubes over the area and managed to remove most of it. I scrubbed with detergent about 8 times before I preheat the oven to bake my brownie. I'm still wondering if the brownie is safe to eat and not 'intoxicated' by the fumes.

Marbled Cream Cheese Brownie
I had a fun time swirling the brownie despite my earlier disaster. I think I've 'over-swirled'.

I much prefer the pre-baked look.
Worth the trouble (disaster)?
Well, at least it's well-received.

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