For more dessert actions, I came across the Tropical Bloom Smoothie recipe in SonZ's home economics book, and decided to give it a shot with the new blender I received for subscribing Straits Times. Instead of bananas, I used mangoes instead. And, another boo-boo, I actually forgot to add milk!!
Mango Smoothie, my frozen sippers
SonZ prefer it without cinnamon and nutmeg, and as usual, he gets it his way...
SonZ prefer it without cinnamon and nutmeg, and as usual, he gets it his way...
Brought Back Some Sweet Memories
In between sipping homemade smoothie and browsing the travel guide (yes, planning to go somewhere in June), I recalled some of the things I did when I was younger which is not too long ago :p (must be triggered after reading the article in ST about connecting with old pal).... In my primary school days, I used to run up a down moving escalator and vice versa (imagine our horror if our children do it now!), standing handsfree and balance on buses (I need to hold those railings for my dear life when in mrt trains nowadays), and in secondary school days, how we save $$ by calling and hang up exactly after 2 rings to signal our classmate it's time to come down and walk to school (sorry, no SMSes then), and the oh-so-fun and exciting times when playing catch by appearing from under table tennis table at void decks to tag those standing and screaming above (wonder why one of the neighbourhood have to replace their under-utilized table tennis tables frequently, but if I'm not wrong, 'ours' were made of cement). Oh, if only we just turn back the clock by JUST A FEW YEARSSSSS to re-live those days again....
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